:: sunrise / the morning show ::

This was originally posted in my LiveJournal on September 11 2012 – I have left this entry unlocked and enabled anonymous commenting, so please feel free to leave your thoughts.

I literally have not slept since Sunday night. It’s currently 4:04pm on Tuesday, and I’ve been awake since about 5:55am on Monday. I’ve pretty much been too wired to sleep, and I fully blame Hanson for it. They arrived in Sydney yesterday morning, right when I was on my way there myself – didn’t manage to run into them unfortunately, as much as I was hoping I would. This morning they did Sunrise and The Morning Show before jetting up to Brisbane for the first show of the Australian Shout It Out tour, and I was there in Sydney for both :D

It was a stupidly early start this morning though. I ended up pulling an all-nighter once I realised I was never going to get any sleep, and spent a couple of hours watching my Shout It Out 5 of 5 DVD before my alarm went off at 1:30am. Hopped in the shower, got dressed, made sure I had everything I needed, and texted my friend Meghan to let her know I was ready to go. She picked me up at around 2:30am, and we got to Wollongong to catch our train roughly ten minutes later. Helped a lot that the roads were empty (which being pretty much the middle of the night, I wasn’t exactly shocked by). We caught our train to Martin Place just before 3:30am – the very first train of the day – and spent a quite enjoyable hour and forty-five minutes in an otherwise empty carriage blasting Hanson on Meghan’s iPod. I read as well, I’m about halfway through Mockingjay and it was perfect for passing the time. Normally I’d look out the windows but seeing as it was pitch dark outside there wasn’t much to be looking at :p We got to Martin Place at about 5:15am and headed straight through to the Channel 7 studios from there. There were a few others there already, Street Team members mostly – it was nice to meet them at last, as I’ve only ever interacted with them on Facebook. We’re scattered all over the country so it takes something major to get us all to meet up together (like, say, Hanson’s first tour of Australia in seven years).

Hanson were scheduled to arrive at Channel 7 at 6 o’clock, but as per usual they were running on Hanson Standard Time (i.e. about 10-20 minutes behind the rest of us) so they didn’t actually end up getting there until around twenty past. What made me particularly happy (along with most of us, heh) is that the hat that Taylor has insisted on wearing just about everywhere (you know, the one I was going to replace with an Akubra before I came to my senses) was missing in action. Either he’s finally taken notice of the fact that a lot of us think it looks ridiculous, or he did bring it, somehow caught wind of the fact that quite a few of us were planning to set it on fire or chuck it underneath a bus, and decided not to wear it after all. :p They did two songs on SunriseMMMBop and Give A Little – and came out into the crowd to sign autographs and take photos between the two songs. I got my copy of Shout It Out signed, and spoke to Isaac for the first time ever – told him while he was signing my CD that it’s my favourite Hanson album, which is the truth. I think he was quite pleased with that. :D I even managed to give the guys the presents I put together for them. On The Morning Show they did Thinkin’ ‘Bout Somethin’, and left for the airport to fly to Brisbane not long afterward. Before they did leave, though, I finally got a photo with Taylor – and it wasn’t a group photo this time! :D My friend Desiree took it for me with my camera. And I am not lying when I say that almost as soon as I’d walked away, I started shaking and very nearly burst into tears. I’d wanted that photo for so long, especially since the Enmore M&G in 2005 (Mum tried to get a solo photo for me with Taylor back then but the people running the M&G wouldn’t allow it), and I finally have it. It’s pretty much made my entire year.

I still can’t believe I actually got to meet them again, and I definitely can’t believe that I finally got a photo with Taylor. I knew it was likely going to happen during MOE on Saturday, but I didn’t think it’d happen today :D Seven hours later I am still on one hell of a high, and I think it’s going to last until Monday morning at the very least. I have two concerts this weekend so it’d want to! How I’m going to get through the rest of this week, I honestly don’t know, but I don’t have much of a choice. Thankfully Friday is a half-day for me, and I intend to go to Spotlight that afternoon to stock up on glowsticks. :D

MMMBop on Sunrise

Give A Little + interview on Sunrise

Thinkin’ ‘Bout Somethin’ + interview on The Morning Show

My signed copy of Shout It Out. Was tossing up between SIO and Strong Enough To Break, and SIO won out.

Me and Taylor :D This is more or less proof of how tall he is. I am bang on 5'5", and my trilby adds maybe two inches to that. And I still only come up to his shoulder! XD